"And Lo, I Forgot What I Came Up Here For"
by Colleen Burner**
Tiantong Rujing, amid the tumultuous clacking
of a bamboo forest during a thunderstorm:
“Ten thousand hands, clapping
for this spectacle staged by the gods!”
The diva, Mme Brillant, in the resounding applause
of a standing audience after her solo:
“As fickle as temperamental gods—
and their clapping the only assurance!”
by Stephen E. Childress
**More of Colleen Burner's hand-made collages can be seen at http://www.frenchforgluing.com or http://www.frenchforgluing.tumblr.com Prints of these babies are available for sale through an online shop: http://society6.com/FrenchForGluing.